A process is an instance of a computer program that may be running.
At the start of each program, a program gets one process, but each program can make more processes.
Powerful, but isolated! Can only communicate with each other by explicit means.
clones the current process to create a new process, called a child process.
it copies the state of the existing process with a few minor differences
)occurs when there is an attempt to create an infinite number of processes.
This will often bring a system to a near-standstill
You do NOT want to do this (or else your VM will be difficult to recover)
#define PROC 100
int main() {
pid_t processes[PROC];
for (int i = 0; i < PROC; ++i) {
processes[i] = fork();
if (!processes[i]) {
execlp("ruby", "ruby", "file.rb", (char*)
for (int i = 0; i < PROC; ++i) {
waitpid(processes[i], NULL, 0);
int main() {
pid_t child1 = fork();
if (!child1) {
pid_t child2 = fork();
if (!child2) {
while (1) {}
pid_t child3 = fork();
if (!child3) {
waitpid(child3, NULL, 0);
waitpid(child2, NULL, 0);
exit(1); }
waitpid(child1, NULL, 0); }
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == -1){
//fork failed
}else if(pid == 0){
//I am the child
//I Am the parent
waitpid(pid, ...);
creates a child process
On success, the PID of the child process is returned in the parent, and 0 is returned in the child.
On failure, -1 is returned in the parent, no child process is created
waitpid(pid, ...)
wait for state changes in a child of the calling process
A state change is considered to be:
wait allows the system to release the resources associated with the child
otherwise the terminated child remains in a “zombie” state
Familyreplaces the current process image with a new process image
./time <command> <args> ...
sleep 2
struct timespec
time_t tv_sec
;long tv_nsec
;tv_sec = 10
, tv_nsec = 992300000
-> 10.9923 sec
int clock_gettime(clockid_t, timespec *)
: should use CLOCK_MONOTONIC in this lab./env [key=val1] [key2=val1] ... -- cmd [args] ..
./env TZ=EST5EDT -- date
- execute date under enviornment TZ=EST5EDT./env TEMP=EST5EDT TZ=%TEMP -- date
- why is this the same as above?int setenv(const char* name, const char* value,
int overwrite)
char *getenv(const char *name)
in a string