
Implementing a Sema-More

This is the idea of a mutex: keep the other person out while you do your thing.

Bathroom mutex

This is a semaphore:

Fake Semaphore

Just kidding, this is a real semaphore:

Programming Semaphore

pthread_mutex_t m = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
Semamore sem;
Stack s; // Thread Safe Stack
void* transaction_listener(void* arg) {
    while(1) {
    	semm_post(&sem); // increments the semamore
        stack_push(&s, get_transaction());

void* transaction_verifier(void* arg) {
    while(1) {
        semm_wait(&sem); // decrements the semamore
        transaction = stack_pop(&s);

int main() {
    pthread_t tid1, tid2;
    pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, transaction_listener, NULL);
    pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, transaction_verifier, NULL);


Semamore Outline


typedef struct {
	int value, max_value;
	pthread_mutext_t m;
	pthread_cond_t cv;
} Semamore;

  • When max_value is reached
    • All threads trying to post should be blocked
    • Where/how do you notify these blocked threads when a thread decreases the semamore’s value below max_value?
  • When 0 is reached
    • All threads trying to wait should be blocked
    • Where/how do you notify these blocked threads when a thread increases the semamore’s value above 0?

Remember to not burn CPU

Spurious Wakeups?

	pthread_cond_wait(&cv, &mutex);

What is wrong with the code above? (hint: what if we get woken up while condition is still true?)

Not-So-Broken Barriers

What does a barrier look like? Glad you asked.

Pthread Barrier

void * entry_point(void *arg)

    // final_matrix = initial_matrix * initial_matrix
    for(int row in thread_range)
        for(int col = 0; col < COLS; ++col)
            DotProduct(row, col, initial_matrix, final_matrix);

    // Make sure the threads stop before moving on
    int rc = pthread_barrier_wait(&barr);

    //Check for error
    if(rc != 0 && rc != PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD)
        printf("Could not wait on barrier\n");
    // initial matrix = final_matrix * final_matrix
    for(int row in thread_range)
        for(int col = 0; col < COLS; ++col)
            DotProduct(row, col, final_matrix, initial_matrix);

More information is in the coursebook.

Thread-Safe Queues

Buffer animation

Remember CS 124/225! Appending to the head of a linked list, other edge cases, etc…


  • Use a while loop to check the condition when using cond_wait.
  • A thread might be awoken even the condition for waking up is not reached.
  • Google spurious wakeups:
  • Write a correctly working queue first before making it thread-safe

  • PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER initializes a mutex with default properties
  • pthread_mutex_init(&mtex, &attr) allows specialized attributes
  • Think of all critical/edge cases to test your queue/semamore
  • Consider one thread that starts working really late
  • Semamore is not a real term!


Credit Where Credit is Due

Credit to for most of these animations!